Management of loss, pain and trauma
Grief is a powerful, painful and tiring emotion. Therefore, sometimes seems easier to avoid confronting these feelings. But this approach is not a viable long-term solution. Ignored pain may later manifest as a physical or emotional illness. Working through pain and letting you express your feelings will help heal.
“Grieving work” includes the stages a mourner must complete before resuming daily life. These processes include separating from the person who died, readjusting to a world without him/her and forming new relationships. To separate from the person who died, a person must find another way to redirect the emotional energy that was bestowed upon that loved one. This does not mean that the deceased person was not loved or should be forgotten, but that the mourner needs to resort to others to obtain emotional satisfaction. It is possible that the roles, identity and abilities of the mourner must change to readjust to live in a world without the person who died.
Affliction is extremely strenuous, both physically and emotionally. The pain that you feel is not only for the person who died, but also for the desires and plans not fulfilled with the person. Death often reminds people of past losses or disrepairs. The duel can be described as having the following three phases:
– The impulse to bring back the person who died
— Disorganization and Sadness
– Reorganization
– Depression shares common features with pain, but it can fully assume the way you think and feel
For appointments you can contact us at 305-764-0194 or can send us a text message to 305-814-2328.